Brown Bag
This semester, researchers from the political science team are presenting their current work in the "Brown Bag Seminar". All students and members of the university are cordially invited to this informal colloquium. The Brown Bag Seminar takes place on Wednesdays between 12 noon and 1 p.m. in room 57-315
The individual dates, topics and speakers can be found here:
Georg Wenzelburger
Politicization and Fear of Crime: How Political Dynamics and Institutional Context Affect Fear of Crime in Western Europe
Melanie Müller
Minority Government Support: Support Party Strategies on Important Policy Issues
Pascal König
Determinants of Support for Algorithmic Risk Assessment Systems in Law and Order
Marcus Müller & Florian Böller
Reinforcing the Guardrails: Congressional Entrepreneurship in the Politics of Drone Warfare during the Obama Presidency
Philipp König
Penal Populism in Twitter Communication
Kathrin Hartmann
Algorithmen, politische Entscheidungsfindung und
-regulierung aus einer politikwissenschaftlichen Perspektive: Eine Fallstudie zum AMS-System Österreichs
Michael Bannert
Oppositionsverhalten am Beispiel des Migrationspakts
Jennifer Bloise
Mensch-Tier-Beziehungen als Gegenstand der politischen Bildung