Student committees

From the diagram you can see how the student body of the TU Kaiserslautern is organized. We are responsible for the right side of the tree, i.e. the student council and the department council. If you want to know more about the other parts you can read more here.
All committees are elected, most of them directly by the students.
Especially you as social scientists and teachers should have a strong understanding of democracy and use the chance to shape your everyday life at university. Therefore, you should set a good example and support your representatives in the respective elections. In this way, you not only exercise your right to co-determination, but also reflect to your representatives your interest and appreciation for their work.
All students of a department form the Fachschaft. This means that you are also a member of a Fachschaft. The integrative social scientists all belong to the department of social sciences.
Unfortunately, this is a bit more complicated for teachers. You either belong to the department of social sciences or to one of your two subjects. You can find out which department you belong to by looking at the small number on the bottom right of your student ID. In this department you can also exercise your right to vote.
You can change your elective subject area at the Department of Student Affairs (Building 47, 4th floor). For example, if you want to become a member of our student council, you should make sure that you have the "09" on your ID card. If this is not the case, you have to change your name before the general assembly.
Student Council (Fachschaftsrat)
The Student Representative Council (FSR) is the representative body of a student body. It is usually elected once a year at the general assembly.
It represents the interests of the student body and represents you in the various committees. It holds regular meetings to discuss the most important topics. All meetings are open to the public, so if you are interested in what is being discussed or if you have a specific problem, you can always come to one of these meetings. You have the right to speak and to make motions.
Every semester the student council calls a student council plenary meeting and informs the students of the department about the work done and news from the department. As a rule, the Student Council is newly elected at this plenary meeting in the winter semester. All students of the department have the right to vote and can be elected themselves.
Since of course old members always finish their studies, we need many new members in the student council. That means we need YOU! So if you like to get involved with others, plan parties or simply enjoy working with others to make a difference in your studies, then you've come to the right place!
Faculty Council (Fachbereichsrat)
Professors, staff and students of the department sit on the departmental council (FBR). Here, all matters of the department are decided, such as examination regulations, teaching assignments and the organization of the various study programs. The faculty council also appoints numerous commissions, such as the examination commission, the committee for studies and teaching, or appointment commissions to appoint new professors.
Central problems can be addressed and solved here in direct contact with the professors and lecturers.
The departmental council is elected together with the senate usually at the beginning of February. You elect the FBR of the department in which you are enrolled.
You may, of course, elect yourselves. To find out how you can stand for election, please contact us directly.