
  • Fastenrath, Florian und Paul Marx (2024). The role of preference formation and perception in unequal representation. Combined evidence from elite interviews and focus groups in Germany. Comparative Political Studies. OnlineFirst.
  • Jungkunz, Sebastian; Florian Fastenrath und Paul Marx (2023). Politicization of redistributive policies and political behavior of the poor in German elections. Electoral Studies, 86, Article 102704.
  • Fastenrath, Florian (2023). Swaps: Aufstieg und Fall eines Instruments des kommunalen Schuldenmanagements In: Jan Logemann, Stefanie Middendorf und Laura Rischbieter (Hg.): Schulden Machen: Praktiken der Staatsverschuldung im langen 20. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, 155–171.
  • Fastenrath, Florian und Paul Marx (2023). Wann setzen sich linke Parteien für die Besteuerung hoher Einkommen und Vermögen ein? Lehren aus dem Bundestagswahlkampf von 2021. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 64(2), 353–378.
  • Elsässer, Lea; Florian Fastenrath und Miriam Rehm (2023). Making the rich pay? Social democracy and wealth taxation in Europe in the aftermath of the great financial crisis. European Political Science Review, 15 (2), 194–213. 10.1017/S1755773922000510
  • Fastenrath, Florian; Paul Marx; Achim Truger und Helena Vitt (2022). Why Is It So Difficult to Tax the Rich? Evidence From German Policy-Makers, Journal of European Public Policy, 29(5), 767–786. 
  • Schwan, Michael; Christine Trampusch und Florian Fastenrath (2021). Financialization of, not by the state. Exploring changes in the management of public debt and assets across Europe. Review of International Political Economy, 28(4), 820–842.
  • Trampusch, Christine und Florian Fastenrath (2021). States' interests as limits to the power of finance: Regulatory reforms in early local government financialization in the US and UK. Regulation & Governance, 15(2), 245–261.
  • Mertens, Armin; Christine Trampusch; Florian Fastenrath und Rebecca Wangemann (2021). The political economy of local government financialization and the role of policy diffusion. Regulation & Governance, 15(2), 370–387.
  • Fastenrath, Florian; Agnes Orban und Christine Trampusch (2019). From economic gains to social losses: How stories shape expectations in the case of German municipal finance. In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 70 (1), 89–116.
  • Fastenrath, Florian; Michael Schwan und Christine Trampusch, (2017). Where states and markets meet: The financialisation of sovereign debt management. New Political Economy, 22(3), 273–293.
  • Fastenrath, Florian; Christine Trampusch und Agnes Jannsen (i.E.). Crisis, expectations and policy change. U.S. and German City Swap Disasters. In: Ingo Köhler, Laetitia Lenel, Alexander Nützenadel und Jochen Streb (Hg.)., RoutledgeHandbook of Economic Expectations in Historical Perspective, forthcoming.