Publications of Kirstin Bergstroem
Journal Articles
Lachmann, T., & Bergström, K. (2023). Developmental dyslexia and culture: the impact of writing system and orthography. Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science, 1-7. Download here
Daikoku, T., Jentschke, S., Tsogli, V., Bergström, K., Lachmann, T., Ahissar, M., & Koelsch, S. (2023). Neural correlates of statistical learning in developmental dyslexia: An electroencephalography study. Biological Psychology, 181, 108592. Download here
Lachmann, T., & Bergström, K. (2023). The Multiple-level framework of developmental dyslexia: The long trace from neurodevelopmental deficit to an impaired cultural technique. Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science. Download here
Spilski, J., Giehl, C., Boshuizen, H., Wong, A., Bergström, K., Lachmann, T., & Klatte, M. (2022). Traffic noise and children's health: New insights from a machine learning algorithm? Proceedings of the Inter-Noise 2022. Glasgow. Download here
Konerding, M., Bergström, K., Lachmann, T. & Klatte, M. (2022). Schulische Förderung bei Lese-Rechtschreibschwierigkeiten mit Lautarium: Randomisierte Evaluationsstudie und Lehrkräftebefragung. Lernen und Lernstörungen, 11, CD009115. Download here
Konerding, M., Bergström, K., Klatte, M., & Lachmann, T. (2021). Lesen und Schreiben lernen mit Lautarium. Praxis Schulpsychologie, 24. Download here
Konerding, M., Bergström, K., Lachmann, T., & Klatte, M. (2021). Effects of the Computer-Based Grapho-Phonological Training Lautarium in Children with Developmental Dyslexia. Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie, 70, 333-355. Download here.
Vágvölgyi, R., Bergström, K., Bulajić, A., Klatte, M., Rüsseler, J., Grosche, M., Hüttig, F., Fernandes, T., & Lachmann, T. (2021). Functional illiteracy and developmental dyslexia: Looking for common roots. A systematic review. Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science, 5, 159-179. Download here
Konerding, M., Bergström, K., Lachmann, T. & Klatte, T. (2020). Effects of computerized grapho-phonological training on literacy acquisition and vocabulary knowledge in children with an immigrant background learning German as L2. Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science, 4, 367-383. Download here
Lachmann, T., Vágvölgyi, R., Bergström, K., Bulajic, A., Klatte, M., Fernandes, T., Grosche, M., Hüttig, F., Rüsseler, J. (2020). The similarities and differences between functional illiteracy and developmental dyslexia: A systematic review. International prospective register of systematic reviews. PROSPERO 2020 CRD42020156766. Download here.
Lachmann, T., Vágvölgyi, R., Bergström, K., Bulajić, A., & Klatte, M. (2020). A systematic review on functional illiteracy: Risk factors, cognitive profiles, prevention, and intervention. PROSPERO 2020, CRD42020179537. Download here
Klatte, M., Bergstroem, K., Steinbrink, C., Konderding, M., & Lachmann, T. (2018). Effects of the computer-based training program Lautarium on phonological awarness and reading and spelling abilities in German second-graders. In T. Lachmann, & T. Weis (eds.). Reading and dyslexia. Literacy Studies, 16, pp. 317-333. Cham: Springer. Download here
Bergström, K., Klatte, M., Steinbrink, C., & Lachmann, T. (2016). First and second language acquisition in German children attending a kindergarten immersion program: A combined longitudinal and cross-sectional study. Language Learning, 66, 386-418. Download here
Klatte, M., Spilski, J., Mayerl, J., Möhler, U., Lachmann, T., & Bergström, K. (2016). Effects of aircraft noise on reading and quality of life in primary school children in Germany: Results from the NORAH study. Environment and Behavior, 49, 390–424. Download here
Klatte, M., Bergström, K., & Lachmann, T. (2013). Does noise affect learning? A short review of noise effects on cognitive performance in children. Frontiers in Developmental Psychology. 4: 578. Download here
Ecker, U. K. H., Arend, A. M., Bergström, K. & Zimmer, H. D. (2009). Verbal predicates foster conscious recollection but not familiarity of a task-irrelevant perceptual feature – An ERP study. Consciousness & Cognition, 18, 679-689.
Klatte, M., Steinbrink, C., Bergström, K., & Lachmann, T. (2013). Phonologische Verarbeitung bei Grundschulkindern mit schwacher Lesefähigkeit. Lernen und Lernstörungen,2, 199-215. Download here
Books, Book Chapters, and Monographs
Lachmann, T., Bergström, K., Huber, J. F., & Nuerk, H.-C. (2022). Diagnosis of dyslexia and dyscalculia: challenges and controversies. In M. A. Skeide (Ed.). The Cambridge Handbook of Dyslexia and Dyscalculia (pp. 383-409). Cambridge University Press.
Spilski, J., Bergström, K., Möhler U., Lachmann, T., & Klatte, M. (2020). Do we need different metrics to predict the effects of aircraft noise on children’s well-being and health? Proceedings of the Inter-Noise 2020. Seoul.
Klatte, M., Bergstroem, K., Steinbrink, C., Konderding, M., & Lachmann, T. (2018). Effects of the computer-based training program Lautarium on phonological awarness and reading and spelling abilities in German second-graders. In T. Lachmann, & T. Weis (eds.). Reading and dyslexia. Literacy Studies, 16, pp. 317-333. Cham: Springer. Download here
Klatte, M., Steinbrink, C., Bergström, K. & Lachmann, T. (2016). Lautarium: Ein computerbasiertes Trainingsprogramm für Grundschulkinder mit Lese-Rechtschreibschwierigkeiten. In: Hasselhorn, M. & Schneider, W. (Hrsg.). Förderprogramme für Vor- und Grundschule: Tests und Trends. Jahrbuch der pädagogisch-psychologischen Diagnostik. Band 14 (S. 115-141). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Klatte, M., Spilski, J., Mayerl, J., Möhler, U., Lachmann, T. & Bergström, K. (2015). Effects of aircraft noise on reading and oral language abilities in German children near Frankfurt/Main airport: Results of the NORAH (noise-related annoyance, cognition, and health)-study. Proceedings of Euronoise 2015, Maastricht. Download here
Bergström, K., Spilski, J., Mayerl, J., Möhler, U., Lachmann, T. & Klatte, M. (2015). Effects of aircraft noise on annoyance and quality of life in German children near Frankfurt/Main airport: Results of the NORAH (noise-related annoyance, cognition, and health)-study. Proceedings of Euronoise 2015, Maastricht. Download here
Klatte, M., Steinbrink, C., Bergström, K. & Lachmann, T. (2016). Lautarium: Ein computerbasiertes Trainingsprogramm für Grundschulkinder mit Lese-Rechtschreibschwierigkeiten. In: Hasselhorn, M. & Schneider, W. (Hrsg.). Förderprogramme für Vor- und Grundschule: Tests und Trends. Jahrbuch der pädagogisch-psychologischen Diagnostik. Band 14 (S. 115-141). Göttingen: Hogrefe. Download here
Spilski, J., Rumberg, M., Berchterhold, M., Bergström, K., Möhler, U., Kurth, D., Lachmann, T., & Klatte, M. (2019). Effects of aircraft noise and living environment on children's wellbeing and health. Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Accoustics. Aaachen, Germany. Download here
Spilski, J., Bergström, K., Möhler, U., Lachmann, T., & Klatte, M. (2019). Do we need different aircraft noise metrics to predict for different groups of people? Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Accoustics. Aaachen, Germany. Download here
Klatte, M., Bergström, K., & Lachmann, T. (2019). Effects of task-irrelevant background speech on verbal working memory tasks. Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Accoustics. Aaachen, Germany. Download here
Spilski, J., Bergström, K., Möhler, U., Mayerl, J., Lachmann, T. & Klatte, M. (2017). Aircraft noise exposure and children’s cognition: evidence for a daytime NAT criterion. In: Proceedings of the 46th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (Internoise, 2017), Hong Kong, China. Download here
Spilski, J., Bergström, K., Möhler, U., Mayerl, J., Lachmann, T. & Klatte, M. (2017). The relationship between aircraft noise and reading: Mediator and moderator effects. In: Proceedings of the 12th ICBEN Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem (ICBEN, 2017), Zurich, Switzerland. Download here
Bergström, K., Konerding, K., Lachmann, T. & Klatte, M. (2017). Überprüfung der Testgüte eines neu entwickelten Gruppentests zur phonologischen Bewusstheit bei Grundschulkindern. In: Gemeinsame Tagung der Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie (PAEPSY), Münster, Germany.
Spilski, J., Bergström, K., Möhler, U., Mayerl, J., Lachmann, T. & Klatte, M. (2016). Effects of aircraft noise on children´s reading and quality of instruction in German primary schools: Results from the NORAH study. In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress on Acoustics (ICA, 2016), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Download here
Klatte, M., Spilski, J., Möhler, U., Mayerl, J., Lachmann, T. & Bergström, K. (2016). Effects of aircraft noise exposure on reading and quality of life on primary school children in Germany: Results from the NORAH-study. In: Proceedings of the 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (Internoise, 2016, pp. 7778-7781), Hamburg. Download here
Bergström, K., Spilski, J., Mayerl, J., Möhler, U., Lachmann, T. & Klatte, M. (2015). Auswirkungen von Fluglärm an Grundschulen auf den Unterricht: Ergebnisse aus der Lehrerbefragung der NORAH-Kinderstudie, DAGA 2015, Nürnberg, Germany. Download here
Bergström, K., Lachmann, T., & Klatte, M. (2012). Wann stört Lärm das geistige Arbeiten? Einfluss von Aufgaben- und Geräuschcharakteristiken bei der Wirkung moderaten Lärms auf ArbeitsgedächtnisLeistungen. In: Fortschritte der Akustik. Beiträge zur 38. Jahrestagung für Akustik, DAGA, Darmstadt. Berlin: DEGA. Download here
Bergström, K., Meis, M., Seidler, A., Guski, R., Schreckenberg, D., Lachmann, T., & Klatte, M. (2012). Analyzing effects of aircraft noise on cognition and quality of life in German children near Frankfurt Airport in the NORAH-study: An overview of design and methods. The 41st International Congress on Noise Control Engineering, Internoise 2012, New York, USA. Download here