- Dr. Nils Beese
- Lars Torben Boenke (now Researcher at the Leibniz-Institute for neurobiological research)
- Dr. Bettina Brendel (now Senior Research Scientist at the University of Tübingen)
- M.Sc. Sabrina Defren (now Referat Technologie und Innovation)
- Christine Dott (now Immersion Project, City of KL)
- Dr. Barbara Estner (now School Psychologist in Krumbach)
- Dr. Corinna Faust-Christmann (now Senior Research Scientist at the Department of Computer Science in Kaiserslautern)
- Dr. Christoph Giehl (now freelancing)
- Dr. Wibke Hachmann (now Senior Scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Education, Berlin)
- Dr. Gunjan Khera (now Professor at UAE University Al Ain)
- Larissa Leist now at RPTU in Landau
- Dipl.-Psych. Lars Ludwig (now runs his own buisness in Cologne)
- Dr. Laura Marie Marzen (now senior research scientist at the University of Mannheim)
- Hongwei Niu
- Dr. Alexander Prölß (now Principal for Psychological Counseling, Bayreuth)
- Dr. Andrea Prölß (now psychologist at the psychiatry for children and adolescents in Cham)
- Priv.-Doz. Dr. Francisca S. Rodriguez (now Group Leader at the Helmholz Intitute German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases)
- Dr. Thomas Schinauer (retired)
- Dr. Andreas Schmitt (now Lecturer at the University of Oldenburg)
- Natalia Schneider
- Dr. Tina Schmitt born Dr. Tina Weis (now MR engineer at the University of Oldenburg)
- Dr. Bettina Schumacher (now Postdoc in clinician at the University of Leipzig)
- Dr. Priyanka Srivastava (now Senior Research Scientist, International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, India)
- PD Dr. Claudia Steinbrink (now Full Professor of Psychology at the University of Erfurt, Germany)
- M.Sc. Simon Tiffin-Richards (now at the Max-Plank-Institute for Human Development)
- Dr. Steffen Ronft
- Dipl.-Psych. Bogdana Ulytska (now IDeA Project Frankfurt)
- Dipl.-Inf. Sebastian von Oostveen
- Dr. Sophia-Julia von Versen (now teacher in Kaiserslautern)
- Thomas Wegner (now Research Scientist at the TU Chemnitz)