Project Coordination: Diana Dikke, IMC AG
Principal Investigators of subproject: Prof. Dr. Thomas Lachmann, Dipl.-Psych. Jan Spilski
Project Partners:
August-Wilhelm-Scheer Institut gGmbH, Center for Cognitive Science, Edu-sense gGmbH, imc AG, Dataport AöR, Hasso-Plattner-Institut, Hochschule Karlsruhe, International Data Spaces e.V., IONOS SE, IServ GmbH, Schülerkarierre GmbH
Source of Funding: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK)
Grant Amount: Total €9.711.219,49; TUK €312.067,56
Duration: 01.01.2022 – 31.12.2024
Project description:
MERLOT is part of the European Gaia-X initiative and as such strives to create a digital marketplace with a focus on data sovereignty to empower learners and workers to find a career which fits their individual needs. For this empowerment to function however, highly sensitive data needs to be securely stored and analyzed with state-of-the-art AI models to be able to provide learners with contacts to services and opportunities. MERLOT will build this marketplace and integrate Gaia-X federated services into its environment before testing it with stakeholders such as schools and educational providers.
The role of the project team of the CCS lies in providing assistance and evaluate ethical, legal, and social aspects of the MERLOT solution. Of particular interest is the field of trust in artificial systems such as MERLOT which will be evaluated with different stakeholder populations to identify risks and critical functions of the MERLOT marketplace, but also to further the scientific understanding of human-AI interaction, especially when handling sensitive user data.
For further information, see the MERLOT Website: