Dr. Marisete Welter


Phone+49 (0)631 / 205 2796
building57, Room 521

Curriculum Vitae

Since 2023Senior Research Scientist at the Cognitive and Developmental Psychology department, RPTU in Kaiserslautern/Germany
Since 2022Private guest lecturer at the Graduate Certificate Program in “Psychological assessments and Psychodiagnostics”, Psychology department, UNIRN in Natal/Brazil
04/2021 – 12/2021Graduate Certificate in “Neuropsychopedagogy” at the Psychology department, UNOESC in Joaçaba/Brazil. Major topics: Learning processes, learning disabilities, Human development
Since 2020Psychologist and instructor for Psychological Assessments and Psychodiagnostics at the Nostrum Instituto de Psicologia in Natal/Brazil
2017 - 2020Assistant Professor at the Psychology department and Master program, UNP in Natal/Brazil
2014 - 2018Associate scientist at the Cognitive and Developmental Psychology department, RPTU in Kaiserslautern (formerly TU Kaiserslautern)
05/2012 – 09/2012Research stay at the Torrance Center for Creativity and Talent Development, Mary Frances Early College of Education, University of Georgia/EUA
2010 - 2014PhD Student at the University of Kaiserslautern (Dr. Phil.). Doctoral Dissertation: “Creativity, intelligence and Giftedness: a study with primary school children”. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Lachmann
2008 – 2009Participation in research project “Management of Stress from Public Security Professionals of Santa Catarina”- Brazil
2008 – 2009

Research Assistant at the Laboratory of Human Factor – Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC – Brazil

Research Lines: Models and Methods of Diagnosis and Evaluation in Health and Human Development

2003 – 2007Study at Psychology at the University of West of Santa Catarina - UNOESC - Brazil
1994 – 1999High School Vocational and Technical Education (Magistério) at the School Olavo Cecco Rigon - Brazil


2013 - 2014Stipendienstiftung Rheinland-Pfalz
2010 – 2013

Katholischer Akademischer Ausländer Dienst - KAAD

Research Grants

2015 – 2016TU-Nachwuchsring Research Grant. Title: "How creative is our intelligence?" With Prof. Dr. Thomas Lachmann and PD Dr. Saskia Jaarsveld




Leite, R. J., Welter, M. M., Barreto, L. K., Gonçalves, D. M., & Rocha Neto, M. P. (2020). É possível sobreviver sem o celular? Uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema nomofobia. Revista Espacios41(3), 1-6.

Veiga-Neto, A. R., Cintra, N., & Welter, M. M. (2018). COMPORTAMENTO DE COMPRA DE LANCHE ESCOLAR DA GERACAO" Z": UM ESTUDO COMPARATIVO. CPMark-Caderno Profissional de Marketing6(2), 20-34.

Welter, M. M., Jaarsveld, S., & Lachmann, T. (2018). Problem space matters: evaluation of a German enrichment program for gifted children. Frontiers in psychology9, 569.

Welter, M. M., Jaarsveld, S., & Lachmann, T. (2017). Problem space matters: The development of creativity and intelligence in primary school children. Creativity Research Journal29(2), 125-132.

Welter, M. M., Jaarsveld, S., van Leeuwen, C., & Lachmann, T. (2016). Intelligence and creativity: over the threshold together?. Creativity Research Journal28(2), 212-218.

Zavareze, T. E., Guisso, L., Welter, M., & Martendal, A. C. (2010). Psicologia Jurídica: Pesquisas e Intervenções. Revista de Psicologia do Cesusc, v.1, p.1.

Cruz, R.M., Lemos, J. C., Welter, M. M., & Guisso, L. (2010). Teacher health conditions and workload. Revista Electrónica de Investigación y Docencia (REID), v. 4, p. 147-160.

Cruz, R.M., Baumer, C. M. W. C., Silva, F.B., Zavareze, T. E., & Welter, M. M. (2008). Work Risk Factors Associated with the Historical of Dependence or Abuse of Psychoactive Substances. Boletim da Saúde, v. 22, p. 39-49.

Articles published in annals of events (full text)

Cruz, R.M., Welter, M. M., Mendes, F.M.P., & Junqueira, S.T. (2009). Burnout in teachers college in the southern region of Brazil. In: 9th Congress of Stress ISMA-BR, 11th International Forum on Quality of Life in Public Safety, 1st Meeting of the Quality of Life in Public Safety, 1st Meeting of the Quality of Life of Public Servants, 2009, Porto Alegre. Work, Stress and Health: investing in human potential - from theory to action.

Cruz, R.M., Castro, M. C., Cantelli, E. M., Motta, F., Medeiros, J. M., Manara, L. B., Periard, M.B., Kotizas, M. S., & Welter, M. M. (2009). Stress in public security professionals in the state of Santa Catarina: conceptual matrix and validation of instruments. In: 9th Congress of Stress ISMA-BR, 11th International Forum on Quality of Life in Public Safety, 1st Meeting of the Quality of Life in Public Safety, 1st Meeting of the Quality of Life of Public Servants, 2009, Porto Alegre. Work, Stress and Health: investing in human potential - from theory to action.

Articles published in annals of events (summary)

Welter, M. M.; Jaarsveld, S.; Lachmann, T. Convergent thinking and divergent thinking skills in gifted, average and above average intelligent elementary school children In: 21. Fachgruppentagung Entwicklungspsychologie (EPSY), 2013, Saarbrücken. Anais, 2013.

Welter M., Jaarsveld S., & Lachmann T. (2012). Convergent thinking skills operating in open problem spaces. In: 54. Tagung Experimentell Arbeitender Psychologen (TEAP), Mannheim, Germany.

Welter M., Jaarsveld S., & Lachmann T. (2012). Der Zusammenhang zwischen konvergentem und divergentem Denken bei hochbegabten, durchschnittlich intelligenten und überdurchschnittlich intelligenten Grundschulkindern In: 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Bielefeld, Germany.

Jaarsveld S., Srivastava P., Welter M., & Lachmann T. (2012). Cognitive Mechanisms Underlying Attentional Blink and Creative Reasoning. In: 35th European Conference on Visual Perception - ECVP, Alghero, Italy. Perception, v. 41, p. 127.

Jaarsveld S., Srivastava P., Welter M., & Lachmann T. (2011). Are attentional blink and creative reasoning related through general cognitive flexibility? In: 34th European Conference on Visual Perception - ECVP, Toulouse, France. Perception, v. 40, p. 22.

Jaarsveld S., Welter M., & Lachmann T. (2011). Gifted children: Convergent thinking skills operating in open problem spaces. In: 13. Fachgruppentagung Pädagogische Psychologie der DGPs, Erfurt, Germany.

Cruz, R. M., Zavareze, T. E., & Welter, M. (2010). Condições do Trabalho e o Burnout entre Professores Universitários. In: IV Congresso Brasileiro de Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho - CBPOT, São Bernardo do Campo, Brazil. Anais do IV Congresso Brasileiro de Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho - CBPOT, 2010. v. 1. p. 1-1.

Cruz, R.M., Melo, M.T., Welter, M. M., Zavareze, T.E., & Guisso, L. (2008). Evaluation of occupational stress of workers of a hospital unit. In: SEPEX – 7th Week of Education, Research and Extension, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil. Proceedings.

Welter, M. M., & Barreto, D.M. (2008). Characterization of suicide at the municipal district of Concórdia/Santa Catarina. In: 1st Brazilian Congress of Mental Health, Florianópolis, Brazil. Cadernos Brasileiros de Saúde Mental. Abrasme, v.1 (Proceedings published on line).

Welter, M. M., Mendes, R, & Frizzo, N. P. (2005). Thematic Seminar V – Mental Health and Creation Alternative Services. In: II Miepe – II Week of Education, Research and Extension, Joaçaba, Brazil Unoesc, 2005. v.1. Proceedings.

Oral Presentation in Events

Thematic Seminar V – Mental Health and Creation Alternative Services (2005). In: II Miepe – II Week of Education, Research and Extension, Joaçaba, Brazil. Unoesc.