Prof. Dr. Falk Huettig
Phone | +49 (0)631 / 2055033 |
falk.huettig(at)rptu.de | |
building | 6, Room 204 |
Curriculum Vitae
Since 2013 | W2 Senior Investigator, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Netherlands |
2019-2024 | Full Professor of Psycholinguistics and Cultural Cognition, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands |
2020 | Visiting Professor, Free University Brussels, Brussels, Belgium |
2019-2021 | Adjunct Professor, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China |
2013-2015 | Visiting Professor, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India |
2013 | Venia Legendi (Psychology), Habilitation, University of Münster, Germany |
2010-2022 | PI (Affiliated), Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition, and Behaviour, Nijmegen, Netherlands |
2007- 2013 | Research Scientist, Max-Planck-Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Netherlands |
2005-2007 | Post-doc, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Ghent, Belgium |
2004 | PhD (Psychology), University of York, England |
2001 | MSc by Research (Psychology), University of Edinburgh, Scotland |
2000 | BSc Biological Sciences (Psychology), University of Edinburgh, Scotland |
Areas of Interest
Main interests include the effects of reading acquisition and proficiency on mind and brain; predictive processing; and language-vision interactions.
- Editor-in-Chief:
Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science (2017-present)
- Special Issue Editor:
Brain Research (2022-present)
- Editorial Board:
- Journal of Memory and Language (2015-present)
- Journal of Cognition (2017-present)
- Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology (2022-present)
- Special Issues:
- Language-vision interactions: The state of the art, Brain Research (2024)
- Recent advances in prediction in language processing research, Brain Research (2021)
- The literate mind, Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science (2021)
- Where Next? The Future of Embodiment Research, Journal of Cognition (2020)
- Effects of literacy on cognition and brain functioning, Language, Cognition, and Neuroscience (2018)
- Relationships between language production and comprehension, Journal of Memory and Language (2016)
- Visual search and visual world: Interactions among visual attention, language, and working memory, Acta Psychologica (2011)
- Edited Books:
- Mani, N. Mishra, R: K., & Huettig, F. (2018). The Interactive Mind: Language, Vision and Attention. Chennai: Macmillan.
- Mishra, R. K., Srinivasan, N., & Huettig, F. (2015). Attention and Vision in Language Processing. Springer.
Selected press coverage
La lecture cartographiée dans notre cerveau
(Le Monde, 2019)
Wie Lesen das Gehirn verändert
(ORF Austria, 2019)
Schwimmübungen im Meer der Laute
(Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 2019)
Wie sich das Lesen auf Gehirn und Gesellschaft auswirkt
(Kurier, 2018)
For the Illiterate Adult, Learning to Read Produces Enormous Brain Changes
(Scientific American, 2017)
(Weser Kurier)