About Us
Ghose Perception Lab is located in the Technical University of Kaiserslautern. The University is internationally renowned for its excellence in research and graduate education. It is located amidst a high-profile cluster of research centres (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, the Institute for Composite Materials, the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering, the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics, and the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems). The students/staff at the university have the opportunity to collaborate with researchers in the above mentioned research centers making it an ideal environment for interdisciplinary research. The University is highly internationalized at the graduate level and offers a number of degree programs in English. The city of Kaiserslautern is known as one of the largest IT clusters in Europe. More about the city:
Some links to labs/groups that makes this place an ideal location for people interested in Cognitive Science
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Lachmann (Basic/Applied Perception,Website)
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmidt (Perception and Action,Website)
- Prof. Dr. Shanley Allen ( Psycholinguistics,Website)
- Max-Plank Institute for Software Systems (Online Privacy, Website)
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Breuel (Image Understanding and Pattern Recognition, Website)
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Dengel (Knowledge-based Systems, Website)
- More info about Computer Science at TUKL (Website)
- The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI, Website)