1. Paid study / Flexible timing

Ongoing search for new participants...

Sign-up to Participate in Experiments here...

Ghose Perception Lab conducts experiments on visual perception. We are constantly looking for new people to enlarge our group of participants. Participants are paid a minimum of 8 € per hour or course credit. The task involves playing simple (boring) video games on computer screen or HTC Vive Virtual Reality environment for about an hour in each session. Some experiments may require a commitment of multiple sessions over a few weeks.

If you are interested, Please signup in the doodle link VR Experiment SignUP Link

If you are interested, contact us at ghoselab(at)sowi.uni-kl.de

You can participate when you have time.

Feel free to forward this information to other interested people.


Thanks for your interest!


2. Ongoing Experiments

Virtual Reality Experiment

Payment rate: 10 €/h or Course Credit.

(** It requires 1-2 hours depending on experiment**)

SignUP Page: Doodle Link



Paul-Ehrlich-Straße 26
67663 Kaiserslautern


Contact: Udit Dokania (uditdokania.nitrr@gmail.com)

Color Study 

Details & participation criteria

Payment: 8 € for participating (approx. 30 min)


57/541, Erwin-Schrödinger-Straße 57

67663 Kaiserslautern


Contact: Nicholas Maximilian Beltz (beltz@rhrk.uni-kl.de)

Eye Tracking Experiments

Payment rate: 8 €/h or course credits

NO GLASSES; contact lenses are OK



49/405, Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße 49
67663 Kaiserslautern


Contact: ghoselab@sowi.uni-kl.de

All Other Studies 

Payment rate: 8 €/h or course credits



57/541, Erwin-Schrödinger-Straße 57
67663 Kaiserslautern


Contact: ghoselab@sowi.uni-kl.de




3. Pakistani Cricket enthusiasts invited for a Color Study

We are conducting an experiment to investigate color perception and color preferences among cricket fans from Pakistan. If you are enthusiastic about Cricket and can write 2 sentences about your most memorable India-Pakistan cricket match, then please sign up. Note, that you cannot participate, if you are colorblind. The entire study would take approximately 30 minutes. Select ALL slots where you are free. We will send you the time for your appointment at least 24 hours in advance.


Please use your EMAIL instead of name to sign up.
You will receive 8 euros for your participation.

If you are from PAKISTAN, please contact:

Nicholas Maximilian Beltz (beltz@rhrk.uni-kl.de)