NORAH: Noise-Related Annoyance, Cognition, and Health

Project title: Sub-Project “Effects of aircraft noise on cognitive performance and quality of life in primary school children”

Source of funding: German Federal State Hessen (87%), aviation companies (11%), communities surrounding Frankfurt Airport (2%).

Grant amount: 580.000 €

Funding Period: 2011-2014

Project description:

Effects of aircraft noise on cognition and quality of life were investigated in 1,243 second graders from 29 schools around Frankfurt/Main Airport in Germany. Special care was taken to rule out the impact of potential confounders such as socioeconomic state (SES) and related variables. Although exposure levels at schools were below 60 dB and thus considerably lower than in previous studies, multilevel analyses revealed that increasing exposure was linearly associated with less positive ratings of quality of life, increasing noise annoyance, and decreasing reading performance. These findings are of relevance for policies concerning noise protection and child health.

For a comprehensive report of the study, see Klatte et al. (2016).



Klatte, M., Spilski, J., Mayerl, J., Möhler, U., Lachmann, T., & Bergström, K. (2016). Effects of aircraft noise on reading and quality of life in primary school children in Germany: Results from the NORAH study. Environment and Behavior, 49(4), 390–424.