Curriculum Vitae
Since 2012 | Ph.D student at RPTU in Kaiserslautern (formerly TU Kaiserslautern) |
2010-2012 | Research Assistant at the interdisciplinary Transregional Collaborative Research Center Spatial Cognition (SFB/TR8); Projects I5-[DiaSpace] and I6-[NavTalk], University of Bremen, PIs: Prof J Bateman, Dr T Tenbrink, Dr C Hölscher |
| Graduate Assistant at the Max-Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Science, Leipzig, Dpt. Neuropsychology, Supervisor: Dr J Müller; Project: “Neurophysiological correlates of the extraction of linguistically relevant rules from the auditory input in adults and infants.” |
2009 | Graduate Assistant at the Max-Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Science, Leipzig, Dpt. Neuropsychology, Supervisor: Dr M Macedonia; Project: “Motorische Enkodierung von Syntax in der Fremdsprache und ihre Effekte auf Abruf und Verfall verbaler Information.“ |
2009 | Internship at the Max-Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Science, Leipzig Dpt. Neuropsychology, Supervisor: Dr M Macedonia |
2009 | Magister Artium, Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg i. Brsg., Germany |
2003-2009 | Studies at University of Freiburg: Linguistics, Philosophy |
Areas of Interest
- Developmental Dyslexia
- Distributed Language & Cognition
- Spatial reasoning & problem-solving
Featured Publications
Tenbrink, T., Bergmann, E., Hetzberg, C., & Gondorf, C. (2016). Time will not help unskilled observers to understand a cluttered spatial scene. Spatial Cognition and Computation.
Gondorf, C., Cui, J. (2011). Supporting Inferences in Space – A wayfinding task in a multilevel building. In J. Hois, J., Ross, R., and Kelleher, J. (eds), Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Computational Models of Spatial Language Interpretation and Generation (CoSLI-2), Boston, MA.
Gondorf, C. (2009). Swedish as a foreign language. A psycholinguistic approach. MA thesis (unp), Scand. Linguistics/Cognitive Sciences, University of Freiburg.(Supervised by: PD Dr L Konieczny and Dr J Duke)
Conference presentations
Gondorf, C., Schultz, C. & Bhatt, M. (September 10-12th 2014). Qualitative Eye-Tracking Analyses of Problem Solving Strategies in Children with Dyslexia. CILC2014 - 2nd International Conference on Interactivity, Language and Cognition, International Society for the Study of Interactivity, Language, and Cognition (ISSILC), Jyväskylä, Finland, 2014.
Gondorf, C. (December 5th 2013). Dyslexia and Distributed Cognition. Presentation at the colloquium of the Centre for Human Interactivity, University of Southern Denmark, Odense.
Gondorf, C. (September 20-22nd 2013). Räumliches Denken und Dyslexie. 4th All-European Dyslexia conference, Linneaus Universität Växjö.
Gralla, L., Bergmann, E., Gondorf, C. (September 12-14th 2012). Wayfinding and object assembly — investigating real-world problems via think aloud protocols. 1st International Conference on Interactivity, Language and Cognition (CILC), University of Southern Denmark, Odense.
Gondorf, C., Bergmann, E., Tenbrink, T. (July 10-12th 2012). Spatial Inferences and Language Use. The 4th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference (UK-CLC4), King’s College London.
Gondorf, C. (January 19-20th 2012). Novice Discourse Production on Collapsed Building Scenarios: Performance on Oral Picture Description Tasks, Kingston University London.
Gondorf, C. (June 14-16th 2011). Wayfinding in an unknown building environment. The Third International Conference of the Scandinavian Association for Language and Cognition (SALC III), University of Copenhagen.
Gondorf, C. et al. (March 6-11th 2011). Placement Verbs and Linguistic Relativity. Workshop on Empirical Methods in Cognitive Linguistics (EMCL-5), University of Freiburg.
Gondorf, C. and Cui, J. (July 20th 2011). Supporting Inferences in Space – A way- finding task in a multilevel building, Workshop on Computational Models for Spatial Language Interpretation and Generation (CoSLI-2). Workshop at the 33rd annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Boston, MA.
Memberships and Affiliations
International Society for the Study of Interactivity, Language, and Cognition (ISSILC)
2011 | Course (MA-level) Cognitive Linguistics and Language Use, University of Bremen |