Dr. Dipl.-Psych. René Reinhard


Phone+49 (0)631 / 31600 4750
buildingITWM, Room E0.26


Curriculum Vitae

Since Jul 2018Research Scientist at the  Center for Cognitive Science of RPTU in Kaiserslautern (formerly TU Kaiserslautern)
Jul 2014-Jul 2018Doctoral studies at the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM
Sep 2009-Jul 2014Graduate studies in Psychology at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Diploma
Oct 2007-Sep 2009Undergraduate studies in Psychology at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

Featured Publications

Reinhard, R., Telatar, E., & Humayoun, S.R. (2022). Comparison of Object Detection in Head-Mounted and Desktop Displays for Congruent and Incongruent Environments. Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 6(1):28, 1-19. Doi: 10.3390/bdcc6010028
Bernhard, C., Reinhard, R., Kleer, M., & Hecht, H. (2021). A Case for Raising the Camera: A Driving Simulator Test of Camera-Monitor Systems. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, OnlineFirst, April 2021, 1-16. Doi:10.1177/00187208211010941
Reinhard, R., Shah, K.G., Faust-Christmann, C.A., & Lachmann, T. (2020). Acting Your Avatar’s Age: Effects of Virtual Reality Avatar Embodiment on Real Life Walking Speed. Media Psychology, 23(2), 293-315. DOI: 10.1080/15213269.2019.1598435
Reinhard, R., Mårdberg, P., García Rivera, F., Forsberg, T., Berce, A., Fang, M., & Högberg, D. (2020). The Use and Usage of Virtual Reality Technologies in Planning and Implementing New Workstations. In: L. Hanson, D. Högberg, & E. Brolin (Eds.) Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering (Vol. 11, pp. 388-397). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS Press. DOI: 10.3233/ATDE200047
Reinhard, R., Rutrecht, H., Hengstenberg, P., Tutulmaz, E., Geissler, B., Hecht, H., & Muttray, A. (2017). The best way to assess visually induced motion sickness in a fixed-base driving simulator. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 48, 74-88. DOI: 10.1016/j.trf.2017.05.005 

Conference Presentations

Reinhard, R., Emmerich, S., Blumhofer, B., Steidel, S., Kleer, M., & Dressler, K.G. (2021). Comparison of Active Driving and the Passive Experience of Autonomous Driving in an Interactive Simulation Environment. Talk given at the 7th Symposium Driving Simulation, Virtual Live Event, 12.05.2021.

Reinhard, R., Mårdberg, P., García Rivera, F., Forsberg, T., Berce, A., Fang, M., & Högberg, D. (2020). The use and usage of virtual reality technologies in planning and implementing new workstations. Digital Human Modeling Symposium 2020, Skövde, Sweden, 31.08.2020.

Reinhard, R. (2020). Fahr- und Fußgängersimulation in vernetzten Simulatoren. Talk presented at the XR Innovationsforum: Chancen für Ihr Unternehmen durch innovative AR&VR Technologien, Kaiserslautern, Germany, 05.11.2020.

Reinhard, R. (2019). Interactions Between Road Users: Representing Complex Traffic Situations by Linking High-End Driving Simulation with VR-based Pedestrian Simulation. Talk presented at the 5th Symposium Driving Simulation, Aachen, Germany, 20-21.11.2019.

Reinhard,  R., Dongmeza,  A., Kleer,  M., Dreßler,  K., & Teutsch,  R. (2019, May). User Experience in High End Driving Simulators. International VI-Grade Conference 2019, Hanau, Germany.

Reinhard, R., Kleer, M., & Dreßler, K. (2018). The Role of Individual Reactions to Driving Simulators in the Design of Simulator Studies. Talk presented at the 4th Symposium Driving Simulation 13.-14.11.2018.

Kleer, M., Reinhard, R., Rothmann, T., Pena Vina, E., & Dreßler, K. (2018). Digital Environment Data for ADAS and AD System Development and Proving. Poster presented at the 4th Symposium Driving Simulation 13.-14.11.2018.

Reinhard, R., Faust-Christmann, C., & Lachmann, T. (2018). Preconditions for virtual reality avatar effects on real life behavior. Poster presented at the 51st Conference of the German Society for Psychology (DGPs), 15-20.09.2018.

Muttray, A., Reinhard, R., Rutrecht, H., Hengstenberg, P., Tutulmaz, E., Geißler, B. & Hecht, H. (2018). Simulatorkrankheit: Diagnostik, Auswirkungen auf das Leistungsvermögen und Gegenmaßnahmen bei schlafmedizinischen Untersuchungen. Talk presented at the 26. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin (DGSM) - Symposium “Fahrsimulation in der Schlafmedizin – ein Update für Forschung und Praxis, 11.-13.10.2018.   

Reinhard, R., Kleer, M., & Dreßler, K. (2017). Interactive simulations to prove and validate safety critical onboard systems. Talk presented at the International IQPC Conference - HMI for mobile machinery. 27-

Reinhard, R., Kleer, M., Dreßler, K. (2017). The impact of subjective simulator experiences on usability evaluations. Talk presented at the 3rd Symposium Driving Simulation - Virtual Environments for Testing of Automated Vehicles. 09.11.2017

Christmann, C., Reinhard, R., & Lachmann, T. (2016). Explizite und implizite Stereotype bezüglich Alter und Geschlecht bei der Einschätzung des Fahrverhaltens anderer Personen. Talk presented at the 50th Conference of the German Society for Psychology (DGPs) 18.-22.9.2016.

Kleer, M., Reinhard, R., & Dreßler, K. (2016). Upgrading machine development and proving processes with interactive simulations. Talk presented at the International IQPC Conference - Functional Safety of Non-Road Mobile Machinery, 24.10.2016

Reinhard, R. (2015). The feeling of presence in driving simulations. Talk presented at the Fraunhofer Technology Day RODOS®: Interactive Driving and Operation Simulator, 01.12.2015.

Oberfeld-Twistel, D., Klöckner-Nowotny, F., Reinhard, R., & DeLucia, P. (2014). Auditory detection of gradual changes in intensity. Talk presented at the 49th Conference of the German Society for Psychology (DGPs), 21-25.09.2014.