Dr. Ann-Kathrin Beck
Thesis title
Neural Mechanisms of Visual Categorization
Eymann, V., Beck, A.-K., Jaarsveld, S., Lachmann, T., Czernochowski, D. (2022). Alpha oscillatory evidence for shared underlying mechanisms of creativity and fluid intelligence above and beyond working memory-related activity. Intelligence, 91.
Beck, A. K., Berti, S., Czernochowski, D., & Lachmann, T. (2021). Do categorical representations modulate early automatic visual processing? A visual mismatch-negativity study. Biological Psychology, 108139.
Beck, A.K., Czernochwoski, D., Lachmann, T., & Berti, S. (2021). Do categorical representations modulate early perceptual or later cognitive visual processing? An ERP study. Brain and Cognition, 150,105724.
Nikolaev, A. R., Beck, A.-K., Theobald, S., Lachmann, T. (corr. author), & van Leeuwen, C. (2020). Factoring in the spatial effects of symbolic number representation. Biological Psychology, 149, 107782.