Dr. Vera Eymann (M.Sc.)

Divergent and Convergent Thinking : Investigating underlying neural Mechanisms and the Significance for Creativity and Intelligence



Eymann, V., Beck, A. K., Lachmann, T., Jaarsveld, S., & Czernochowski, D. (2024): Reconsidering divergent and convergent thinking in creativity – A neurophysiological index for the convergence-divergence continuum. Creativity Research Journal, DOI: 10.1080/10400419.2024.2419751.

Eymann, V., Lachmann, T., Beck, A. K., & Czernochowski, D. (2024). EEG oscillatory evidence for the temporal dynamics of divergent and convergent thinking in the verbal knowledge domain. Intelligence, 104, 101828.

Jubran, O. F., Wolkersdorfer, M. P., Eymann, V., Burkard, N., Czernochowski, D., Herrlich, M., … Lachmann, T. (2024, June 27). Spatiotemporal Survival Analysis: Elucidating the Benefits of Virtual Reality Trajectory Tracking. doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/6spkw

Eymann, V.*, Beck, A.-K.*, Jaarsveld, S., Lachmann, T., Czernochowski, D. (2022). Alpha oscillatory evidence for shared underlying mechanisms of creativity and fluid intelligence above and beyond working memory-related activity. Intelligence, 91, 101630.



Dr. Vera Eymann

Erwin-Schrödinger-Straße 57
Gebäude: 57, Raum: 429
67663 Kaiserslautern


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