apl. Prof. Dr. Daniela



Research interests


Life-long learning

  • Development of episodic and prospective memory across the life span
  • Neural correlates of incidental and intentional learning
  • Cognitive and neural mechanisms of feedback-enhanced learning
  • Implications of neurocognitive research for formalized teaching


Dynamics of response selection and neurocognitive control across the life span

  • Role of expertise and motivation for regulating cognitive control with limited resources (due to advanced age or neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis or stroke)
  • Micro and macro variations in cognitive control and conflict detection
  • Role of neuronal maturation and declining integrity for cognitive control


Converging and Divergent Thinking

  • Individual Differences in convergent and divergent thinking as mediated by Working Memory
  • Neural Correlates of Convergent and Divergent Thinking (EEG oscillations and fNIRS)
  • Impact of Emotional States for Creative Thinking


Scientific Program Coordinator

apl. Prof. Dr. Daniela Czernochowski

Gebäude: 57, Raum: 429.1
67663 Kaiserslautern


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