Recent Presentations
Fernandez, L.B., Shehzad, M., & Hadley, L.V. (June, 2024). Hearing loss and listening effort delay semantic prediction: An eye-tracking study. Presentation given at From Hearing to Understanding: An Interdisciplinary Workshop on the Interaction of Auditory and Language Processes. Oldenburg, Germany.
Fernandez, L.B., Shehzad, M., & Hadley, L.V. (May, 2024). Semantic prediction across the lifespan & the impact of hearing loss. Invited colloquium talk at the University of the Basque Country. Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain.
Fernandez, L.B., Shehzad, M., & Hadley, L.V. (April, 2024). Prediction, aging, and age-related hearing loss. Presentation given at the Sixth International Conference on Corpora for Language and Aging (CLARe6). Tuebingen, Germany.
Fernandez, L.B. Shehzad, M., & Hadley, L.V.(May, 2024). Younger adults are quicker at semantic prediction but older adults are better. Poster presented at Workshop on Language Processing in Aging. Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain.
Fernandez, L.B. Shehzad, M., & Hadley, L.V.(Sept, 2023). Prediction and age-related hearing impairment. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing Conference (AMLaP). San Sebastian, Spain.
Byambasuren, D., & Allen, S. E. M. (2023, October). Measuring mean length of utterance and lexical diversity among Mongolian-speaking rural and urban children. Many Paths to Language, MPI for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Netherlands.
Zuban, Y., Pashkova, T., Conti, E., Lee, H., Allen, S., Bunk, O., & Zerbian, S. (2023, September). Left dislocation in contact: The case of Russian. Poster at RUEG Conference on Linguistic Variability in Heritage Language Research, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.
Tsehaye, W., Pashkova, T., Lee, H., Conti, E., Allen, S. E. M., Bunk, O., & Tracy, R. (2023, June). Syntax on the edge: The role of register in syntactic variation at sentence peripheries in language contact. 14th International Symposium on Bilingualism, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
Katsika, K., Allen, S. E. M., Iefremenko, K., & Schroeder, C. (2023, May). Discourse openings and closings Turkish majority and heritage language speakers: effects of age, register and modality. Poster at Heritage Languages at the Crossroads, Istanbul Medeniyet University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Katsika, K., Tsaroucha, A., & Allen, S. E. M. (2023, May). Discourse openings and closings in Greek majority and heritage language speakers: Effects of age, register and modality. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Johnson, O. A. & Allen, S. E. M. (2023, April). MATTR: Measuring lexical diversity in Inuktitut. 26th Workshop on Structure and Constituency in Languages of the Americas, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
Wiese, H., Alexiadou, A., Allen, S. E. M., Bunk, O., Gagarina, N., Iefremenko, K., Katsika, K., Labrenz, A., Özsoy, O., Pashkova, T., Rizou, V., & Schroder, C. (2022, October). What is distinctive about heritage language syntax? Heritage Language Syntax 3, University of Paris 8, Paris, France.
Ito Gómez, F. M., Borges Gamboa, J. C., Järvikivi, J., & Allen, S. E. M. (2022, September). The effect of context and familiarity in the processing of nominal compounds. Poster at the 12th International Conference on the Mental Lexicon 2022, Brock University, Niagara on the Lake, Canada.
Kholodova, A., Peter, M., Rowland, C. & Allen, S.E.M. (2022, September). Cumulative priming effects across development in a structurally biased language. Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition 15, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany.
Katsika, K., Lialiou, M. & Allen, S.E.M. (2022, September). Case and word order in children’s online processing of relative clauses: Evidence from heritage Greek. Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition 15, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany.
Pashkova, T. & Allen, S. E. M. (2022, September). Specificity and definiteness in article use in heritage speakers’ majority English. Heritage Languages and Variation, University of Cyprus, Cyprus.
Fernandez, L. B., Xheladini, A., & Allen, S. E. M. (2022, September). The role of the left perceptual span in L2 reading. Poster at 28th Conference on Architecture and Mechanisms of Language Processing, University of York, UK.
Fernandez, L. B., Scheepers, C., & Allen, S. E. M. (2022, September). Cross-language semantic and orthographic parafoveal processing. Poster at 28th Conference on Architecture and Mechanisms of Language Processing, University of York, UK.
Ito Gómez, F. M., Borges Gamboa, J. C., Järvikivi, J., & Allen, S. E. M. (2022, September). On the processing of nominal compounds: the role of context and familiarity. Poster at 15th Biannual Conference of the German Society for Cognitive Science, University of Freiburg, Germany.
Fernandez, L. B., Scheepers, C., & Allen, S. E. M. (2022, August). Semantic and orthographic parafoveal processing in bilingual readers. 21st European Conference on Eye Movements, University of Leicester, UK.
Xheladini, A., Fernandez, L. B., & Allen, S. E. M. (2022, August). The role of the left perceptual span in L2 reading: An eye tracking study. Poster at 21st European Conference on Eye Movements, University of Leicester, UK.
Kholodova, A., Peter, M., Rowland, C. F., & Allen, S. E. M. (2022, August). Cumulative priming effects across development in monolingual and bilingual children. 4th International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children, University of the Arctic, Tromsø, Norway.
Fernandez, L. B., Scheepers, C., & Allen, S. E. M. (2022, August). Cross-language semantic and orthographic parafoveal processing in bilingual readers. Poster at 4th International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children, University of the Arctic, Tromsø, Norway.
Johnson, O. A. & Allen, S. E. M. (2022, June). Measuring lexical diversity in Inuktitut. Inuit Studies Conference, University of Winnipeg, Canada.
Lee, H., Johnson, A. & Allen, S. E. M. (2022, June). The use of verbal inflections in Inuktitut child-directed speech. Inuit Studies Conference, University of Winnipeg, Canada.
Schroeder, C., Iefremenko, K., Labrenz, A., Katsika, K., Allen, S.E.M. & Wiese, H. (2022, May). Cross-linguistic influence and functional variation of discourse pragmatic markers in heritage speakers.Heritage Languages Around the World, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal.
Pashkova, T., Tsehaye, W., Allen, S.E.M. & Tracy, R. (2022, May). Subordinate clauses across registers in heritage speakers’ majority and heritage language. Heritage Languages Around the World, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal.
Lee, H., Johnson, A. & Allen, S. E. M. (2022, April). The use of verbal inflections in Inuktitut child-directed speech. Poster at International Symposium on Monolingual and Bilingual Speech. University of Louisiana, Lafayette, USA.
Katsika, K., Lialiou, M., & Allen, S. E. M. (2021, November). Effects of word order and case in the processing of relative clauses in heritage speakers of Greek in Germany. New Approaches to Bilingualism and Multilingualism and Language Learning/Teaching Conference (BiMuLT), University of Cyprus, Cyprus.
Jacob, G., Schaeffer, M., Oster, K., Hansen-Schirra, S., & Allen, S.E.M. (2021, November). Cross-linguistic structural priming in translation students. International Conference on Translation, Interpreting and Cognition, University of Bologna, Forlì, Italy.
Katsika, K., Lialiou, M., & Allen, S. E. M. (2021, September). Real-time processing of relative clauses in heritage speakers of Greek in Germany. Crosslinguistic Perspectives on Processing and Learning (X-PPL), University of Zurich, Switzerland. [held online due to covid-19]
Johnson, O.A., Elliot, M.E., & Allen, S.E.M. (2021, July). Morphological simplification in Inuktitut child-directed speech. 15th Congress of the International Association for the Study of Child Language, Philadelphia, USA. [held online due to covid-19]
Allen, S.E.M. & Jung, D. (2021, July). Comparing sketch acquisition studies in Dene and Inuktitut. 15th Congress of the International Association for the Study of Child Language, Philadelphia, USA. [held online due to covid-19]
Katsika, K., Lialiou, M., & Allen, S. E. M. (2021, June). Online processing of relative clauses in monolingual and bilingual children: Evidence from heritage Greek. 15th International Symposium of Psycholinguistics, Mallorca, Spain. [held online due to covid-19]
Katsika, K., Lialiou, M., & Allen, S. E. M. (2021, June). Bilingual processing of complex structures: Evidence from heritage Greek. Conference on Multilingualism, University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany. [held online due to covid-19]
Johnson, O. A., Elliot, M., & Allen, S. E. M. (2021, June). Morphological simplification in Inuktitut child-directed speech. 15th International Symposium of Psycholinguistics, Mallorca, Spain. [held online due to covid-19]
Henriquez, M. L. & Allen, S. E. M. (2021, June). Framing linguistics: The roles of introduction and conclusion sentences in framing linguistics articles. 3rd NSF REU Intersection of Linguistics, Language & Culture Conference, Molloy College, New York, USA.
Wiese, H., Allen, S.E.M., Pashkova, T., Bunk, O. & Labrenz, A. (2021, July). The three-dot sign in language contact: A comparative approach. Discourse Markers, Fillers, and Filled Pauses: Psycho- and Sociolinguistic Perspectives, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK. [online due to covid-19]
Gamboa, J. C. B. & Allen, S. E. M. (2021, June). Are L2 speakers sensitive to the implicit relation between modifier-noun combinations? Poster at Third International Syposium on Bilingual Processing in Adults and Children, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands. [held online due to covid-19]
Fernandez, L., Scheepers, C., & Allen, S. E. M. (2021, June). Parafoveal semantic and orthographic processing in L1 English monolinguals and late L2-English/L1-German bilinguals. Third International Syposium on Bilingual Processing in Adults and Children, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands. [held online due to covid-19]
Pashkova, T. & Allen, S. E. M. (2021, February). Does bilingualism influence clause type usage in English narratives across registers? Poster at Dynamics of Language Contact: New Perspectives on Emerging Grammars, Variation, and Change, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. [held online due to covid-19]
Johnson, O.A., Elliot, M.E., & Allen, S.E.M. (2020, July). Morphological simplification in Inuktitut child-directed speech. 15th Congress of the International Association for the Study of Child Language, Philadelphia, USA.
Kholodova, A., Peter, M., Rowland, C. & Allen, S.E.M. (2020, July). Abstract representations in bilingual children over development in a structurally biased language. Poster at 15th Congress of the International Association for the Study of Child Language, Philadelphia, USA.
Allen, S.E.M. & Jung, D. (2020, July). Comparing sketch acquisition studies in Dene and Inuktitut. 15th Congress of the International Association for the Study of Child Language, Philadelphia, USA.
Fernandez, L. & Allen, S.E.M. (2020, June). Word skipping by late L2 speakers of English: The effects of word length, predictability, spelling skills, and proficiency. Poster at Conference on Multilingualism, University of Reading, Reading, UK.
Jacob, G., Schaeffer, M., Oster, K., Hansen-Schirra, S. & Allen, S.E.M. (2020, June). ‘Do what you are told’ or ‘Do what you are primed for’? - A cross-linguistic structural priming study with trained translators. Conference on Multilingualism, University of Reading, Reading, UK.
Wiese, H., Allen, S.E.M., Pashkova, T., Bunk, O. & Labrenz, A. (2020, June). The three-dot sign in language contact: A comparative approach. Discourse Markers, Fillers, and Filled Pauses: Psycho- and Sociolinguistic Perspectives, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK.
Jahan, T. & Allen, S.E.M. (2020, June). Morphological complexity and lexical diversity in Bengali-speaking children with Down syndrome. Fifth Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea.
Pashkova, T., Tsehaye, W., Tracy, R., & Allen, S.E.M. (2020, May). Narrative complexity of heritage speakers' majority and heritage language productions. Heritage Languages Around the World, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal.
Tsehaye, W., Pashkova, T., Tracy, R., & Allen, S.E.M. (2020, March). Structural optionality in heritage speakers’ narratives. Conference on Heritage Language Syntax, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Pashkova, T., Hodge, A. & Allen, S.E.M. (2020, March). Explicitness in heritage speakers’ majority English productions. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany.
Fernandez, L., Engelhardt, P., Patarroyo, A.G., & Allen, S.E.M. (2020, March). The impact of speech rate on anticipatory eye movements in L1 aging and in L2 speakers. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany.
Kholodova, A., Peter, M., Rowland, C. & Allen, S.E.M. (2019, November). Abstract representations in bilingual L2-speaking children over development in a structurally biased language. Poster at 44th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston University, Boston, USA.
Allen, S.E.M. & Elliot, M. (2019, October). Morphological simplification in Inuktitut child-directed speech. 21st Inuit Studies Conference, University of Quebec at Montreal, Montreal, Canada.
Fernandez, L.B., Engelhardt, P., Patarroyo, A. & Allen, S.E.M. (2019, September). The impact of auditory presentation speed on anticipatory eye movements in L2 speakers of English and older and younger L1 speakers of English. Discourse Expectations: Theoretical, Experimental, and Computational Approaches (DETEC 2019), Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin, Germany.
Borges Gamboa, J.C., Fernandez, L.B., & Allen, S.E.M. (2019, September). On the difficulties of processing nominal compounds: Evidence from an eye tracking study. 25th Conference on Architecture and Mechanisms of Language Processing, Moscow, Russia.
Fernandez, L.B., Scheepers, C., & Allen, S.E.M. (2019, September). Crosslinguistic influence in parafoveal semantic processing: A study investigating L1 English monolinguals and late L2-English/L1-German bilinguals. 25th Conference on Architecture and Mechanisms of Language Processing, Moscow, Russia.
Kholodova, A., Peter, M., Rowland, C.F. & Allen, S.E.M. (2019, September). Structural priming in a structurally biased language: Investigating abstract representations in bilingual children compared to monolingual children over development. 25th Conference on Architecture and Mechanisms of Language Processing, Moscow, Russia.
Fernandez, L.B., Scheepers, C., & Allen, S.E.M. (2019, August). The impact of uninformative parafoveal masks on L1 and late L2 speakers. 20th European Conference on Eye Movements, Alicante, Spain.
Borges Gamboa, J.C., Fernandez, L.B., & Allen, S.E.M. (2019, August). Guessing the line currently being read: Approaches for offline recalibration of eye-tracking reading data. Poster at 20th European Conference on Eye Movements, Alicante, Spain.
Allen, S.E.M. & Elliot, M. (2019, July). Strategies for simplifying morphology in Inuktitut child-directed speech. Summer Meeting of the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas, University of California at Davis, Davis, USA.
Allen, S.E.M. & Wiese H. (2019, June). The dynamics of heritage speakers: A comparative view. Theme session at 12th International Symposium on Bilingualism, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
Pashkova, T., Zuban, Y., Rizou, V., Alexiadou, A., Zerbian, S. & Allen, S.E.M., (2019, June). Emerging grammars for referent introduction in heritage speakers’ two languages. 12th International Symposium on Bilingualism, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
Fernandez, L.B., Engelhardt, P., Patarroyo, A. & Allen, S.E.M. (2019, June). The role of speed on anticipatory eye movements in L2 speakers of English and older and younger L1 speakers. Psycholinguistics in Iceland – Parsing and Prediction, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Bothe, E.R., Fernandez, L.B., & Allen, S.E.M. (2019, May). The impact of L1 reading direction on L2 perceptual span size: Investigating speakers of Hindi and Urdu. Psycholinguistics in Flanders 2019, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium.
Johnson, O.A., Jacob, G. & Allen, S.E.M. (2019, May). Are all complex words created equal? Morpho-orthographic decomposition of complex numerals versus derived nominalizations in German. Poster at Psycholinguistics in Flanders 2019, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium.
Kholodova, A., Peter, M., Rowland, C. & Allen, S.E.M. (2018, November). Implicit learning and surprisal effects in a structurally biased language: A developmental study. 43rd Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston University, Boston, USA.
Akinbodunse, A., Borges Gamboa, J.C., Fernandez, L.B., & Allen, S.E.M. (2018, October). Cross-linguistic influence on the processing of nominal compounds in English. Poster at International Interdisciplinary Symposium on Reading Experience and Analysis of Documents (READ 2018), German Center for Artificial Intelligence, Kaiserslautern, Germany.
Bothe, E.R., Kolesova, K., Allen, S.E.M., & Fernandez, L.B. (2018, October). Perceptual span during the L2 reading of English and the influence of L1 reading direction: The case of Urdu and Hindi. Poster at International Interdisciplinary Symposium on Reading Experience and Analysis of Documents (READ 2018), German Center for Artificial Intelligence, Kaiserslautern, Germany.
Borges Gamboa, J.C. & Allen, S.E.M. (2018, September). On-line evidence for processing difficulties with nominal compounds in native speakers of English. 11th International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
Fernandez, L., Bothe, E.R. & Allen, S.E.M. (2018, September). L1 reading direction plays a role on L2 perceptual span size: An eye tracking study investigating Urdu and Hindi speakers. Cognitive Neuroscience of Second and Artificial Language Learning (CoNSALL), Bangor University, Bangor, Wales.
Shakuf, V., Zack, C., Tidhar, L., Golani, S., Ben-David, B., Lachmann, T., Wesseling, P.B.C., Defren, S., Wegner, T., Allen, S.E.M. (2018, September). Do prosodic cues need a visa to travel? The perception of emotions in speech across languages: Evidence from Hebrew, English and German. 34th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics - Fechner Day, Lüneburg, Germany.
Defren, S., Wesseling, P.B.C., Allen, S.E.M., Shakuf, V., Ben-David, B., & Lachmann, T. (2018, September). Disentangling the impact of prosody and semantics in emotional speech perception: A compilation of emotionally affective and neutral sentences in German. 34th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics - Fechner Day, Lüneburg, Germany.
Kholodova, A., Peter, M., Rowland, C. & Allen, S.E.M. (2018, September). Investigating implicit learning and suprisal effects in a structurally biased language over development. 24th Conference on Architecture and Mechanisms of Language Processing, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.
Fernandez, L., Scheepers, C. & Allen, S.E.M. (2018, September). Are all invalid parafoveal previews created equal? Poster at 24th Conference on Architecture and Mechanisms of Language Processing, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.
Defren, S., Wesseling, P. B. C., Allen, S. E. M., Shakuf, V., Ben-David, B. M., & Lachmann, T. (2018, September). Generierung von affektiven und emotional neutralen deutschen Sätzen zur Untersuchung der Wechselwirkung zwischen Prosodie und Semantik. Poster at 51st Congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Defren, S., Wesseling, P. B. C., Allen, S. E. M., Shakuf, V., Ben-David, B. M., & Lachmann, T. (2018, June). Emotional speech perception: A set of semantically validated German neutral and emotionally affective sentences. Poster at 9th International Conference on Speech Prosody, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland.
Naumovets, M., Fernandez, L. B., & Allen, S. E. M. (2018, June). The perceptual span of L2 English speakers with different L1 alphabetic systems. Psycholinguistics in Flanders, University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium.
Johnson, A., Grün, A., Allen, S. E. M., & Fernandez, L. B. (2018, June). Complex noun phrases: The influence of length and type on processing time. Poster at Psycholinguistics in Flanders, University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium.
Naumovets, M., Fernandez, L. B., & Allen, S. E. M. (2018, June). The perceptual span of L2 English speakers with different L1 alphabetic systems. Poster at International Max Planck Research School for the Language Sciences Conference 2018, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Netherlands.
Patarroyo, A., Fernandez, L., & Allen, S.E.M. (2018, May). Anticipatory eye movements in L2 wh-movement. Poster at International Symposium on Bilingual Processing in Adults and Children, University of Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany.
Fernandez, L. & Allen, S.E.M. (2018, May). L2 parafoveal processing (or lack thereof). Poster at International Symposium on Bilingual Processing in Adults and Children, University of Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany.
Naumovets, M., Fernandez, L. B., & Allen, S. E. M. (2018, May). The perceptual span of L2 English speakers with different L1 alphabetic systems. Poster at International Symposium on Bilingual Processing in Adults and Children, University of Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany.
Wiese, H., Lüdeling, A., Alexiadou, A., Pohle, M., Allen, S., Gagarina, N., Schroeder, C., Szucsich, L., Tracy, R. & Zerbian, S. (2018, April). Variation in heritage speakers: A comparative approach to linguistic repertoires. Transdisciplinary Approaches to Language Variation, UiT The Arctic University in Norway, Tromsø, Norway.
Kholodova, A., Peter, M., Rowland, C. & Allen, S.E.M. (2018, April). Syntactic priming in a structurally biased language: Investigating abstract representations in monolingual and bilingual children over development. Transdisciplinary Approaches to Language Variation, UiT The Arctic University in Norway, Tromsø, Norway.
Allen, S.E.M. & Elliot, M. (2017, October). Learning morphemes in a morphologically complex language: Do Inuktitut-speaking parents simplify utterances to help children break into morphology? Poster at Many Paths to Language, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Netherlands.
Allen, S.E.M., Fernandez, L., Elliot, M., Powers, H., Family, N., Katsika, K., Järvikivi, J. & Fortune, L. (2017, September). Cross-linguistic influence in the processing of complex noun phrases by L2 speakers of English. Poster at 23rd Conference on Architecture and Mechanisms of Language Processing, University of Lancaster, Lancaster, UK.
Fernandez, L., Pire, N. & Allen, S.E.M. (2017, September). The use of parafoveally-viewed expectation and frequency information by L2 speakers of English. Poster at 23rd Conference on Architecture and Mechanisms of Language Processing, University of Lancaster, Lancaster, UK.
Allen, S.E.M. & Stein, A. (2017, September). The development of the English recipient passive considered in the light of psycholinguistic research. In Themed Session on Modeling Language Acquisition in Diachrony. Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK.
Kholodova, A., Peter, M., Rowland, C. & Allen, S.E.M. (2017, September). Ditransitive syntactic priming in a biased language: Investigating abstract representations over development. Workshop on Ditransitives in Germanic Languages, 50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistics Europaea, Zurich, Switzerland.
Fernandez, L., Pire, N. & Allen, S.E.M. (2017, September). L2 perceptual span size and the role of L1 reading direction. Poster at International Symposium on Monolingual and Bilingual Speech, Chania, Crete, Greece.
Fernandez, L., Pire, N. & Allen, S.E.M. (2017, September). Parafoveally-viewed expectation and frequency information in native and L2 speakers. International Symposium on Monolingual and Bilingual Speech, Chania, Crete, Greece.
Kholodova, A., Peter, M., Rowland, C. & Allen, S.E.M. (2017, September). Syntactic priming in a structurally biased language: Investigating abstract representations over development. International Symposium on Monolingual and Bilingual Speech, Chania, Crete, Greece.
Allen, S.E.M., Cain, M., Dench, C., Genest, C., & Trudeau, N. (2017, July). Inuktitut adaptation of the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventory. Poster at 14th International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Lyon, France.
Brittain, J., Allen, S.E.M. & Acton, S. (2017, July). Preferred argument structure in Cree child and child-directed speech. Poster at 14th International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Lyon, France.
Allen, S.E.M. & Hughes, M.E. (2017, July). Cognitive interplay between syntax and discourse-pragmatics in language development: Preferred Argument Structure in English referential choice. In Symposium on Processes Underlying Children’s Reference Production. 14th International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Lyon, France.
Allen, S.E.M., Fernandez, L., Elliot, M., Family, N., Katsika, K., Iraola Azpiroz, M., Järvikivi, J. & Fortune, L. (2017, June). Discourse expectations and cross-linguistic influence in the processing of complex noun phrases by L2 speakers of English. Poster at Discourse Expectations: Theoretical, Experimental, and Computational Perspectives (DETEC), Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Netherlands.
Fernandez, L., Pire, N. & Allen, S.E.M. (2017, June). The use of parafoveally-viewed expectation and frequency information in native and L2 speakers of English. Poster at Discourse Expectations: Theoretical, Experimental, and Computational Perspectives (DETEC), Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Netherlands.
Allen, S.E.M., Fernandez, L., Elliot, M., Powers, H., Family, N., Katsika, K., Järvikivi, J. & Fortune, L. (2017, June). L2 processing of complex noun phrases: Evidence of L1 parsing strategy transfer. Poster at International Workshop on Bilingualism vs. Monolingualism: A New Perspective on Limitations to L2 Acquisition, University of Toulouse 2, Toulouse, France.
Fernandez, L., Pire, N. & Allen, S.E.M. (2017, June). The influence of L1 reading direction on L2 perceptual span size. Poster at International Workshop on Bilingualism vs. Monolingualism: A New Perspective on Limitations to L2 Acquisition, University of Toulouse 2, Toulouse, France.
Fernandez, L., Pire, N. & Allen, S.E.M. (2017, June). The role of parafoveally-viewed frequency & expectation information in native and L2 speakers of English. Poster at International Workshop on Bilingualism vs. Monolingualism: A New Perspective on Limitations to L2 Acquisition, University of Toulouse 2, Toulouse, France.
Allen, S.E.M., Cain, M., Dench, C., Genest, C., & Trudeau, N. (2017, May). A university-community partnership to design a preschool vocabulary assessment for Inuktitut: Adapting the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventory. Inuktitut Language and Linguistics Workshop, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
Allen, S.E.M. (2017, May). Ergativity in child, adolescent, and adult speech in Northern Quebec Inuktitut: Evidence for language change? Poster at Inuktitut Language and Linguistics Workshop, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
Kholodova, A., Peter, M., Rowland, C. & Allen, S.E.M. (2017, May). Syntactic priming in a strongly biased language: Investigating continuity of processing mechanisms across development. Linguistic Diversity Meets the Brain: Future Directions in the Language Sciences, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.
Wegner, T., Wesseling, P., Shakuf, V., Ben-David, B., Allen, S.E.M. & Lachmann, T. (2017, March). Hearing emotions: The processing of prosody without semantics. 59th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP), Dresden, Germany.