Dr. Leigh Fernandez
Office: Building 57, Room 423
E-mail: leigh.fernandez[at] rptu.de
Phone: +49(0)631-205-4138
Fax: +49(0)631-205-5182
Curriculum Vitae
Joint Doctorate of Philosophy - Brain & Language
University of Potsdam, Macquarie University & Newcastle University
Thesis topic: Investigating Word Order Processing using Pupillometry and Event-Related Potentials
Master of Philosophy - Psychology (specialization Psycholinguistics)
Northumbria University Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Thesis topic: Pupillometry and Filler Gap Dependencies
Joint Master of Science - Clinical Linguistics
University of Eastern Finland & University of Potsdam
Thesis topic: Vocal Convergence of Chimpanzee Rough Grunts
Bachelor of Science - Psychology
Central Washington University Ellensburg, WA, USA
Thesis topic: Schedules of Enrichment in Captive Zoo Animals
Bachelor of Arts - Primate Behavior & Ecology
Central Washington University Ellensburg, WA, USA
Thesis topic: Agonistic buffering in Tibetan Macaques
Sept. 2010 May. 2012
Part Time Lecturer Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Northumbria University, Department of Psychology
- Advanced Cognitive Psychology
- Psychology Laboratory Experience and Skills
Jan. 2004 May. 2004
Teaching Assistant Ellensburg, WA, USA
Central Washington University, Department of Psychology
- Psychology of Learning
Additional Certifications
- ERP Certification Sydney, Australia
Macquarie University The Cognitive Science ERP-FRP Laboratory June, 2014
- Certificate in Analytics and Statistical Studies
The Institute for Statistics Education 2013-2018
Programming & Statistical Skills
R, LATEX, Experiment Builder & DataViewer, Neuroscan, Microsoft Office
Familiarity: SPSS, SQL, Python, Matlab (EEGLAB, Psychtoolbox), Tobii Studio
Fernandez, L.B. & Allen, S.E.M. (2025). Reduced Capacity for Parafoveal Processing (ReCaPP) leads to differences in prediction between first and second language readers of English. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 18(2), 3. https://doi.org/10.3390/jemr18020003
Melo, J., Fernandez, L.B., & Ishimaru, S. (2025). Automatic classication of difficulty of texts from eye gaze and physiological measures of L2 English speakers. IEEE Access, 13, 24555-24575. https://doi.org10.1109/ACCESS.2025.3537156
Cersosimo, R., Engelhardt, P. E., Fernandez, L., & Domaneschi, F. (2025). Novel metaphor processing in dyslexia: a visual world eye-tracking study. Discourse Processes, 1–21. https://doi.org/10.1080/0163853X.2024.2445904
Fernandez, L.B., Shehzad, M., & Hadley, L.V. (2024). Younger adults may be faster at making semantic predictions, but older adults are more efficient. Psychology & Aging. https://doi.org/10.1037/pag0000872
Fernandez, L.B., Hadley, L.V., Gamboa, J.C., Koc, A., & Allen, S.E.M. (2024). Is there a cost when predictions are not met? A VWP study investigating L1 and L2 speakers. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1177/174702182412702
Fernandez, L.B., Pickering, M.J., Naylor, G., & Hadley, L.V. (2024). Uses of linguistic context in speech listening: Does impaired prediction increase difficulty for older adults with hearing loss? Ear & Hearing. https://doi.org/10.1097/AUD.0000000000001515
Gamboa, J.C., Fernandez, L.B., & Allen, S.E.M. (2024). Investigating the Uniform Information Density Hypothesis with complex nominal compounds. Applied Psycholinguistics. doi:10.1017/S0142716424000092
Fernandez, L.B., Scheepers, C. & Allen, S.E.M. (2023). Cross-language semantic and orthographic parafoveal processing by bilingual L1 German/L2 English readers. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 27, 515-529. https://doi.org/doi:10.1017/S1366728923000536
Fernandez, L. B., Engelhardt, P., Patarroyo, A. G., & Allen, S. (2020). Author accepted manuscript: Effects of speech rate on anticipatory eye movements in the Visual World Paradigm: Evidence from aging, native, and non-native language processing [pdf]. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. DOI:
Fernandez, L.B., Bothe, R. & Allen. S.E.M. (under revision). The role of L1 reading direction on L2 perceptual span: An eye tracking study investigating Hindi and Urdu.
Azpiroz, M.I., Allen. S.E.M., Katsika, K., & Fernandez, L.B. (2019). Psycholinguistic approaches to production and comprehension in bilingual adults and children. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 9, 505-513.
Fernandez, L.B., Höhle, B., Brock, J., & Nickels, L. (2018). Investigating auditory processing of syntactic gaps with L2 speakers using pupillometry. Second Language Research, 34, 201-227.
Fernandez, L.B. (2016). Investigating word order processing using pupillometry and event-related potentials. Potsdam: Universität Potsdam
Paul E. Engelhardt & Fernandez, L.B. (2014). Measures in sentence processing: Eye tracking and pupillometry. Cognitive Processing, 15, S15-S16.
Fernandez, L.B. (2013). Pupillometry and filler gap dependencies. Master of philosophy thesis, Northumbria University.
Conference Presentations, Workshop Presentations & Invited Colloquia
Fernandez, L.B., Shehzad, M., & Hadley, L.V. (June, 2024). Hearing loss and listening effort delay semantic prediction: An eye-tracking study. Presentation given at From Hearing to Understanding: An Interdisciplinary Workshop on the Interaction of Auditory and Language Processes. Oldenburg, Germany.
Fernandez, L.B., Shehzad, M., & Hadley, L.V. (May, 2024). Semantic prediction across the lifespan & the impact of hearing loss. Invited colloquium talk at the University of the Basque Country. Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain.
Fernandez, L.B., Shehzad, M., & Hadley, L.V. (April, 2024). Prediction, aging, and age-related hearing loss. Presentation given at the Sixth International Conference on Corpora for Language and Aging (CLARe6). Tuebingen, Germany.
Fernandez, L.B. Shehzad, M., & Hadley, L.V.(May, 2024). Younger adults are quicker at semantic prediction but older adults are better. Poster presented at Workshop on Language Processing in Aging. Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain.
Fernandez, L.B. Shehzad, M., & Hadley, L.V.(Sept, 2023). Prediction and age-related hearing impairment. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing Conference (AMLaP). San Sebastian, Spain.
Fernandez, L.B.,Engelhardt, P.E., Patarroyo, A.G & Allen, S.E.M. (March, 2020). The impact of speech rate on anticipatory eye movements in L1 aging and in L2 speakers. Presentation given at the DGfS Annual Meeting 2020, Diversity and Prediction in Language Processing: Influences of Speaker, Register, and Experimental Method. Hamburg, Germany.
Fernandez, L.B., Engelhardt, P.E., Patarroyo, A.G & Allen, S.E.M. (Sept, 2019). The impact of auditory presentation speed on anticipatory eye movements in L2 speakers of English and older and younger L1 speakers of English. Presentation given at the Discourse expectations: theoretical, experimental, and computational perspective. Berlin, Germany.
Fernandez, L.B., Scheepers, C., & Allen, S.E.M. (Aug, 2019). The impact of uninformative parafoveal masks on L1 and late L2 speakers. Presentation given at the European Conference on Eye Movements. Alicante, Spain.
Fernandez, L.B., Gamboa, J., & Allen, S.E.M. (Sept, 2018). On-line Evidence for Processing Difficulties with Nominal Compounds in Native Speakers of English. Presentation given at the International Conference on the Mental Lexicon. Edmonton, Canada.
Fernandez, L.B. (2018). The influence of orthography on L2 parafoveal processing. Presentation given at the University of Osnabrück. Osnabrück, Germany.
Fernandez, L.B., Pire, N., & Allen, S.E.M (Nov., 2017). Parafoveal processing in L2 speakers of English. Presentation given at the Conference on Multilingualism (COM). Groningen, Netherlands.
Fernandez, L.B., Pire, N., & Allen, S.E.M (Sept., 2017). Parafoveally-viewed expectation and frequency information in native and L2 speakers. Presentation given at the International Symposium on Monolingual and Bilingual Speech (ISMBS). Chania, Greece.
Fernandez, L.B., Höhle, B., Brock, J., & Nickels, L. (March, 2017). Investigating gap processing with L2 speakers using pupillometry. Presentation given at the University of Reading psycholinguistics lab. Reading, UK.
Allen. S.E.M., Fernandez, L.B., Elliott, M., Powers, H., Family, N., & Katsika, K. (Sept., 2016). L2 processing of complex noun phrases in English. Presentation given at the Conference on Multilingualism (COM). Ghent, Belgium.
Fernandez, L.B., Ho ̈hle, B., Brock, J., & Nickels, L. (April, 2016). Investigating gap processing with L2 speakers using pupillometry. Presentation given at the International Symposium on Bilingual Processing in Adults and Children (ISBPAC). Kaiserslautern, Germany.
Fernandez, L.B. (February, 2015). Exploring animacy in object relative clauses using ERP (& Pupillometry). Colloquium at the IDEALAB Winter School. University of Trento, Rovereto, Italy.
Engelhardt, P.E., & Fernandez, L.B. (September, 2014). Measures in sentence processing: Eye tracking and pupillometry. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of German Cognitive Science Society (Kogwis). Tubingen, Germany.
Fernandez, L.B. (February, 2013). Eye tracking and Broca’s aphasia. Colloquium at the IDEALAB Winter School. University of Trento, Rovereto, Italy.
Fernandez, L.B., Engelhardt, P. E., Coventry, K. R., & Jonkers, R. (April, 2011). Eye tracking and syntactic deficit in Broca’s aphasia. Presentation given at the British Aphasia Society Research in Progress Meeting. Glasgow, UK.